
How To Get Rid of Pet Odor in Your House

It’s easy to romanticize about the joys of owning a pet. Truly, pets are great companions, always excited to see you, ready for an adventure, and unselfconsciously affectionate. But there’s a less agreeable side to the reality of lodging your favorite critters. They can become really smelly! Fortunately, this does not have to mean you […]

Clearing the Air: How To Clean Walls From Cigarette Smoke

You’ve just moved into your new-to-you home — and it reeks of cigarette smoke.  Or maybe you’ve recently quit smoking and are now realizing the smelly repercussions of smoking indoors. You’ve tried it all, including: Airing out the space Spraying air freshener Lighting scented candles  Glade PlugIns and other scent maskers But no matter what […]

Deodorizing Your Living Space: How To Get Rid of a Musty Smell in Your House

You should feel free to do anything you want in your home — including breathing deeply without being grossed out by the mustiness. How can you truly enjoy your home if you can’t even enjoy the smell of it? Getting rid of the musty smell in your house isn’t rocket science — although sometimes it […]

How Do You Get Rid of Mold in Your Attic? Tips from the Professionals

The attic. For many people, it’s a forgotten room in your home. Maybe you make your way up there a handful of times throughout the year to drag out holiday decorations or your rarely-used camping gear.  Among family memorabilia, tools, unused furniture, and other typical attic findings, something else seems to be lurking — mold.  […]

How To Get Rodents Out of Your Attic and Keep Them Out

The weather is turning colder and it’s time to gather the warmer clothing from the attic. Upon climbing the stairs, you hear the faint chatter of a critter and realize it’s not coming from the outside but somewhere within the eaves. You’re not alone, and soon discover the unwanted house guests have made themselves right […]

What To Do if Your Basement Floods: 9 Steps To Reclaiming Your Space

Not totally in love with your new indoor swimming pool? Maybe now is not a good time for us to make jokes about the unwelcome water that has invaded your basement. Flooding always seems to come by surprise and is a great way to instantly ruin your day. It’s OK. With a few important steps […]

Weathering Home Damage After a Storm: What To Do After Storm Damage

Would you be at a loss to know what actions to take if you woke up to storm damage in your home? Do you think you’d be unable to keep your wits enough to perform the essential activities necessary during an emergency? Learning ahead of time what to do after storm damage will help you […]

How To Manage Sewer Backup and Protect Your Home

Do you smell that? Hopefully not! If it’s already too late, then we feel your pain. Our homes are expensive enough, and the last thing that anybody wants to deal with is a sewer backup. Don’t panic, take a deep breath (or don’t!), and relax. We will show you how to make sense of your […]

The Essential Steps of Home Water Damage Repair

How seriously should you take water damage in your home? Is it just a matter of sopping it up with towels, letting it air dry, and going on your merry way? Or do you wring your hands about it, wondering how soon your house is going to collapse? A happy medium between these two extremes […]

Crawl Space Clean-Up: Dealing With Issues That Cause Dirty & Unsafe Crawl Spaces

Spiders, mold, and rodents — oh my! The heebie-jeebies you get from imagining what’s lurking under your home is enough to make you want to avoid crawl space cleaning altogether.  However, cleaning and maintaining your crawl space is not just good for your peace of mind; it’s necessary for the overall wellness of your home. […]

Attic Cleanup and Decontamination: Costs, Considerations, and FAQs

The noises coming from your attic are keeping you up at night. You haven’t been in your attic since Christmas, and trekking up there in the August heat isn’t your idea of fun. But you just know there’s a problem that’s only getting worse the longer you try to ignore it. Dealing with rodents and […]

Smoke Damage Cleaning: How To Rid Your Home or Business of Fire Smoke Remnants

There’s no doubt about it — fires are devastating events, leaving a lot of destruction in their wake. Recovering from a fire and the inevitable smoke damage that comes with it might be even more challenging than you’d expect.  It doesn’t just end with cleaning smoke damage, though. You also likely have to deal with […]

Advice From the Pros: How To Hire a Contractor for Home Renovations

It’s time. That outdated bathroom — or 80s-style family room — has got to go.  While you’re excited about updating your home, the thought of hiring a contractor for a home renovation or remodel feels more than a little unnerving. How do you find someone who knows what they’re doing — and how do you […]

After the Fire: What To Expect From Smoke Damage Restoration Services

Returning to “normal” after a house fire can be difficult, to say the least. Besides having to live in an alternative place in the interim, you have to deal with appraisals, inspections, and insurance and develop a plan for making your home liveable again. It might be the most hectic time of your life. After […]

Should You Stay or Should You Go? Know When To Walk Away From a House With Mold

You’ve been pacing the real estate market endlessly when you finally found it –– the home of your dreams. When the inspection uncovers a substantial mold issue, you’re crushed, faced with the decision to walk away from what could be your forever home.  Whether you’re thinking of buying that home or you already own your […]

HVAC System Longevity and Understanding When It’s Time To Replace Yours

Achoo, achoo, achooo! Ugh. You’re sick of constantly sneezing when you’re at home. And are you going crazy or is the AC just not cooling like it used to?  From low air quality that leaves you sniffling your way through the day to temperature control that leaves you too hot or too cold — but […]

How To Remove Mold From Basement Walls: Guidance for Safe Mold Removal Practices

Welcome to the dark and mysterious world of basements, where nightmares come to life. Add mold to your basement walls and you have yourself in a horror movie in your own home.  Facing basement mold can be daunting, but it’s possible to use mold abatement measures to eradicate it completely.  So, if you have discovered […]

Uncovering the Truth About Black Mold: A Guide, FAQs, and More

Very few terms spark horror stories from renters and homeowners alike as the words “black mold”.  But what do we really know about black mold besides it’s “toxic?” Not all black mold is created equal, yet with such a dangerous classification, the term seems to be tossed around with little clarification. We’re here to clear […]

Treating Mold Behind Baseboards: Causes, Prevention, and Knowing When To Call in the Pros

Have you had the misfortune of discovering mold growing behind your baseboards? It’s a disturbing and discouraging discovery, for sure. If it’s growing behind the baseboards, where else is it growing unbeknownst to you? Isn’t it a bit much to add removing and cleaning baseboards to your regular housekeeping routine?  How can you address mold […]

Is That Mold? Even Plastic Can’t Hide From Fungi

Lawn furniture, food storage containers, even your favorite water bottle. These days, so many of the things we use are made of plastic. And while plastic is great for longevity — research shows that it can last anywhere from between 20 and 500 years  — you may be wondering how the plastic items you use […]

Clearing the Air: Determining How Many Air Purifiers You Need

With the growing number of wildfires and record heat around the world, people are spending more and more time indoors. It’s no surprise many are worried about the quality of their indoor air. Whether it’s for environmental, health, or odor reasons, air purifiers may be the solution to your air quality concerns. Still, some may […]

Do Air Purifiers Help With Smells or Just Mask Them? Learn How They Work

It’s been a long day, and you can’t wait to get home and relax. You walk in the front door — only to be greeted by the lingering smell of last night’s salmon dinner.  Scented candles, essential oils, and plug-in air fresheners only cover up the problem. Is there a way to get to the […]

Is Purchasing an Air Purifier Worth the Investment?

Isn’t it just a little disturbing to think of all the impurities you may be inhaling every day? You’re enjoying the comforts of home when, now and again, the thought strikes you: The air in my home might be rife with invisible, harmful substances that could slowly break down my health and the health of […]

Comparing Heat Treatment vs. Chemical for Bed Bugs

If you’ve dealt with bed bugs, you know they’re an absolute nightmare. Bed bugs are an increasingly common problem that can cause considerable distress and disturbance in your everyday life.  Fortunately, there are two reliable methods of treating bed bugs — heat treatment and chemical treatment. In this article, we compare heat treatment and chemical […]

Bye Bye Bed Bugs: How Your Dryer Can Help Rid Your Home of Pests

You’ve hoped. You’ve prayed. But what you’ve dreaded has finally happened. You’ve got bed bugs. If you’re like most of us, just hearing those two words makes your skin crawl. Your first thought — how do you get rid of bed bugs the fastest? A quick Google search says the heat from your dryer is […]

Encapsulating a Crawl Space: What You Need To Know Before Investing

Crawl space.  If you’re like many of us, those two words bring to mind a dark, dank, musty space that’s chock-full of every sort of creepy crawly creature known to man.  The thing is, in some cases — that mental image isn’t too far from the truth. Are you trying to find the best solution […]

Basement Mold Challenges: Does Mold in One Room Affect the Whole House?

If you have a basement, especially an unfinished one, you may not think about it on a regular basis. Sure, you often go down to do a load of laundry or get something out of storage, but you don’t consider it part of the living area of your home. Lately, you’ve noticed a damp feeling […]

Moisture Damage: 8 Factors That Affect Crawl Space Repair Costs

If you’re like most homeowners, you don’t venture into your crawl space unless it’s warranted. Out of sight, out of mind, right? But when there’s excess moisture in your crawl space, it can lead to issues such as: Higher energy costs Rot and rust Pests Mold and mildew; and Foundation issues  If you don’t know […]

Can Bed Bugs Fly? How Bed Bugs End up in Your Home

Flying bed bugs.  It sounds like something out of a horror movie — and you’re freaking out about the possibility of bed bugs being in your home.  These blood suckers hide all day and attack at night. But how do bed bugs get around? Do bed bugs fly or have wings?  Even if you have […]

Where To Sleep if You Have Bed Bugs: Answers and Precautions

Do you have itchy welts on your body, smell a musty odor on your bed, or find tiny critters racing across your pillow? We hate to break it to you, but you’ve got bed bugs.  Discovering you have bed bugs is unnerving, to say the least.  Do you move into the guest room, sleep on […]

Renters Insurance and Bed Bugs: Know Your Coverage and Your Rights

A bed bug infestation is the last thing you hope to deal with as a renter. But if you happen to be caught in that unfortunate circumstance, you may wonder how to take care of the remediation.  Is the landlord responsible for the costs incurred, or will your renters insurance cover the damages? It’s important […]

Keeping Moisture at Bay: Why Are Vapor Barriers Necessary in a Crawl Space?

Standing water, wood rot, mold — finding these issues in your crawl space is enough to make your stomach drop. You can almost hear the sound of money leaving your bank account.  If you want to avoid these issues, you need a vapor barrier installed in your crawl space. No ifs, ands, or buts. In […]

Is Water in Your Crawl Space Normal?

Water in your crawl space? Wondering why or if it’s normal? Click here to find the top causes of crawl space water issues and how we can help