You hoped. You prayed. But what you’ve dreaded has finally happened.

You’ve got bed bugs. 

If you’re like most of us, just hearing those two words makes your skin crawl, and your first thought is probably how to get rid of them ASAP.

A quick Google search says your clothes dryer is the answer, but you’re skeptical. Does the dryer really kill bed bugs?

This article reveals the truth about bed bugs and dryers and lets you know how to safely, effectively, and quickly make your home bed bug-free.


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Table of Contents


Does the Dryer Kill Bed Bugs?

Yes. But there are two important factors to consider if you are considering using your dryer to kill bed bugs: 

  1. Heat; and
  2. Length of exposure

For bed bugs to die, the temperature inside your dryer has to be just right.

It has been shown that bed bugs in all stages of life die at a minimum dryer temperature of 113 degrees Fahrenheit — as long as that temperature is consistent for at least 30 minutes. So if your dryer isn’t the best at drying your clothes, it may not reach the temperature needed to kill bed bugs. 

Dryer settings with higher temperatures can be used to do the job even faster. 

While your dryer may be an easy option for killing bed bugs on your clothes and bedding, it’s important to remember that bed bugs rarely are a localized problem — meaning if you have one, you also have their siblings, cousins, and every last member of their extended family. 

Bed bugs on clothing and bedding inevitably mean bed bugs on your mattress, carpet, and often your furniture. They can even hitch a ride on you as you go from room to room and stake claim throughout your home.

If you have bed bugs, your best plan of attack is to call in the professionals at Pure Environmental. Our team of experts uses a special heat treatment process to eradicate bed bugs in a single, environmentally friendly treatment — without toxic chemicals

Contact us today to learn more and to get your free estimate. 


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Do Home Dryers Get Hot Enough To Kill Bed Bugs?


As long as the dryer is functioning properly, most home dryers get hot enough to kill bed bugs. 

If you are unaware of how hot your dryer gets on each setting, it is best to use the hottest dryer setting that your items will tolerate and dry for an extended amount of time.


How Long Does It Take for a Dryer To Kill Bed Bugs?

To kill bed bugs on dry bedding or clothing, the items will need to be placed in a medium to high-temperature dryer. 

For most dryers, follow these times: 

  • Adults bed bugs — 15 minutes
  • Bed bug eggs — 60 minutes 
  • All stages of life — 30 minutes 

If you’re placing wet items into the dryer, you’ll need to run the complete cycle until the items are thoroughly dry to ensure the bed bugs are dead.


Can You Put Pillows in a Dryer To Kill Bed Bugs?

Yes. The dryer will kill bed bugs on your pillows in the same way it does on clothing and bedding. 

If the manufacturer’s instructions specify that your pillows can be heat dried, simply place your pillows in the dryer on high heat for about 60–70 minutes. This should effectively kill bed bugs at all stages of life.


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Steps To Killing Bed Bugs in Your Dryer

So what is the process to follow for killing bed bugs on your sheets, duvet, pillowcases, and clothing without causing damage to the fabrics? 

Follow these two steps:

  1. Pre-sort the items according to washing instructions and fabrics.
  2. Use the correct temperature and the right amount of drying time. 


#1: Sort the Items to Be Laundered

Pre-sort your bed bug-infested clothes and bedding according to the washing and drying instructions, just as you would your normal laundry.

Place each pile into a separate plastic bag, noting any special washing instructions. 

You are now set up to do each individual load on the highest allowable wash and dry temperatures for those specific clothes.

Do you have a few pieces of dry-clean-only clothes that can’t get wet? No problem. You should be able to eliminate bed bugs on those items by placing them in a dryer. (The drycleaning process will kill bedbugs as well)


#2: Make Sure Your Dryer Is Set to Medium or High Heat for the Appropriate Amount of Time

If you want to guarantee that every last bed bug is dead, just sticking your clothing or bedding into the dryer for any old amount of time won’t do. 

That’s why it’s critical to understand the required heat levels and necessary drying times. 

At Pure Environmental, we recommend the following minimum temperatures and drying times for killing bed bugs:

  • Adult bed bugs and nymphs — 113 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes
  • Bed bug eggs — 113 degrees Fahrenheit for 60 minutes 
  • All stages of life — 115 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes


Bed Bug Heat Extermination FAQs

Do you still have questions about using heat to kill bed bugs? Here are a few of our most frequently asked questions. 


Is Your Dryer the Best Method for Killing Bed Bugs?

While a trip through the dryer might be a quick fix for taking care of the bed bugs on your clothes and bedding, it won’t cure the problem of a bed bug infestation. 

That’s because when you find bed bugs on your bed or clothes, they’re likely also crawling through your …

  • Mattress
  • Carpet; and 
  • Furniture 

… throughout your bedroom 

If you’re suffering from an infestation of bed bugs, call Pure Environmental today! We’re bed bug experts and can have your home treated bed bug-free and your life back to normal before you know it!


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I Don’t Have a Dryer — What Else Can I Use To Kill Bed Bugs?

A steamer can be used to kill bed bugs. 

However, there are a few drawbacks to trying to use a steamer to kill bed bugs, such as: 

  • The steamer introduces a considerable amount of moisture into the fabric, which can compromise its overall structure.
  • It is easy to burn yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing.
  • It is difficult to properly direct the steam into those hard-to-reach places like the nooks and crannies of fabric seams.
  • Moisture introduction can lead to secondary issues like mold.


Can the Washing Machine Kill Bed Bugs?

Washing infested bedding or clothes in very hot water can also kill bed bugs without needing a hot drying cycle. However, running freshly washed items through a hot dryer will help give you the added peace of mind that all the bed bugs have been destroyed.

It is important to remember, however, that both the amount of time the items are in the washer and the temperature of the water are important. 

A water temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit and a 30-minute wash cycle will kill bed bugs in all stages of growth. Washing in a lower water temperature may be enough to kill adults and nymphs, but most bed bug eggs will likely survive.


Will Dryer Sheets Kill Bed Bugs?

You may have heard that placing dryer sheets under your mattresses, tucking them into furniture, or placing them in your closet is an effective way to kill bed bugs.

There is no evidence to support this claim. 


Will Natural Products or Detergents Kill Bed Bugs?

Your local home improvement store likely has multiple bed bug control products composed of detergents or plant-derived materials.

Unfortunately, most of them are not effective methods of eliminating bed bugs. 

One study revealed that when 11 bed bug elimination products were tested by directly spraying them on bed bug nymphs under laboratory conditions, only two of them achieved higher than 90% bed bug mortality. The use of one other product caused the death of 87% of eggs when sprayed directly on the eggs. 

The remaining products, including those containing essential oils, had little to no ability to kill bed bug eggs.


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Can Bed Bugs Live in a Washer and Dryer?

If the washer and dryer are not used on the proper heat cycles, bed bugs can survive a trip through either appliance.

However, if clothing or bedding are washed in hot water and dried at a medium or high temperature for a sufficient amount of time, bed bugs cannot survive on the fabric or on the inside of the appliance.


Do I Need To Clean My Dryer After Killing Bed Bugs?

It’s clear that you can kill bed bugs in the dryer, but once that process is completed, what’s next? Is there a special protocol you should follow for eliminating bed bugs from your dryer?

No. Cleaning your dryer after killing bed bugs doesn’t require any special process. Simply remove your lint trap, clean it, and dispose of the lint just as you would after running any other load of laundry. 


The Dryer Won’t Kill an Infestation: Let the Pros at Pure Environmental Exterminate Your Home

Getting rid of a bed bug infestation is a nasty job that requires professional training,  considerable experience, and strong attention to detail. 

And the fact is, if you have bed bugs, trying to eliminate them by using your dryer isn’t the answer.

While you might think a DIY bed bug job will save you money, it can cost you big in the long run when bed bugs you missed reproduce and reinfest your home. 

Get the job done right the first time around by calling the professionals at Pure Environmental in the Pacific Northwest. 

We’re the experts when it comes to killing bed bugs. Our thermal radiation bed bug removal process is highly effective — even in those places that can be otherwise difficult to reach.

Call us today for more information. We will take the time to answer your questions, give you a cost estimate, make sure you understand the bed bug removal process, and get to work making your home bed bug-free once again.


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